In 2023, WordPress made significant strides in enhancing Core Web Vitals (CWV) across mobile and desktop platforms. Both registered commendable improvements, surpassing the progress recorded in the previous year.

Improving CWV on Mobile Devices

Mobile metrics experienced noteworthy advancements, primarily observed in Largest Content Paint (LCP), signaling concerted efforts by the WordPress team in this area. Although First Input Delay (FID) showed moderate growth, its previously high success rate mitigates apprehensions. Additionally, Time to First Byte (TTFB), not categorized as CWV but pivotal for LCP, exhibited considerable enhancement this year.

NIX Solutions

Contribution of WordPress Versions to Web Performance

Versions 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 of WordPress notably contributed to loading performance improvements, translating into better LCP and TTFB scores. Each update underwent a thorough comparison pre and post-installation, highlighting visible enhancements.

Overall Impact of WordPress on the Internet

Given WordPress’s widespread use, its performance enhancements reverberate throughout the web. In 2023, CWV success rates on WordPress sites surpassed those of non-WordPress sites, underscoring its substantial influence on overall web performance.

Changes Related to the INP Metric

By March 2024, the FID metric will yield to Interaction with Next Ink (INP), aiming for a more comprehensive interactivity measure. This impending change could affect CWV success rates, prompting the WordPress community to brace for this transition, notes NIX Solutions.

Recommended Actions for Marketers

Marketers should stay attuned to CWV advancements, pivotal for WordPress site performance and SEO. With the imminent arrival of INP in 2024, proactive preparation for potential impacts on performance indicators is crucial. Developers and site owners are advised to prioritize optimizing for INP and explore strategies to enhance TTFB, expediting page rendering on WordPress.